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Hygge, revisited

The year was 2017 and hygge — the Danish philosophy of cozy living to generate contentment — was hot. From Pinterest to new books to Lilja’s very own hygge blog series, we saw an abundance of tips on how to infuse more hygge into our lives.

Fast forward to 2020, and we’re all spending more time at home. As the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, now feels like the right time to dust off this trend and embrace hygge to find more joy in the little comforts of home.

Read how the Lilja team is bringing back hygge right now:

Alicia DeMatteo: I’ve always found building LEGO sets to be the best way to quiet my mind and focus on a meditation-like task. Plus, LEGO is a Danish company so it’s totally hygge! I’m currently rebuilding the one Winter Village set I own, and after years of telling myself “no,” I’ve added a few more sets from the line to my collection. The act of building is calming, and I’ll end up with a decorative display.

Erica Winegar: When I think of hygge, my mind immediately goes to baking. Chocolate chip banana bread, cookies, cinnamon rolls — you name it, we're baking it. Right now, my family and I are test driving different artisan bread recipes. And let me tell you, there's nothing better than the smell and taste of fresh-from-the-oven bread!

Lauren Berg: I have been incorporating hygge into my life by drinking a lot of hot chocolate! Curling up with a book and a warm drink is my favorite way to wind down at the end of the day. Even going through the process of making hot chocolate helps me slow down and focus on the present.

Kate Lilja Lohnes: I’m cultivating hygge at home with something deceptively simple — candles. With darkness descending at 5 p.m., I find that by filling my home with a soft, flickering glow I feel more content and at peace with the less-than-favorable weather outside. For added effect, place your candle close by a mirror or other reflective surface.

Mary Lilja: We adopted my aunt’s cat when she moved into a new facility that doesn’t allow pets. We are enjoying Cassie’s antics as she explores her vast new world, greatly expanded from a 500-sq.-ft. apartment! Bringing Cassie into our space adds to our experience of hygge as we watch her interact with her new surroundings, including the birds, squirrels and even turkeys outside our window!

Linda Tedford: I recently downsized to a smaller home, which can’t possibly accommodate my vast collection of holiday décor. So I decided to introduce a little hygge into my new space and curate a more limited, but still precious, holiday display. The pieces that made the cut look beautiful in their new home and evoke cozy memories of holidays past.

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